Therapeutic Activities, Education, & Preventative Strategies

Additional therapeutic activities and education may be incorporated into sessions to address work-life balance and provide required supplemental exercises for benefitting the individual.


The use of a therapy ball, theraband, the balance board, visual processing and vestibular training are examples of therapeutic activities which may provided during therapy sessions.  When trauma is pulled from the body through body / energy work or Quantum Neuro Resets, bridging the release with supplemental activities is beneficial to an individual and will facilitate neural rewiring.


Additionally, modifications of an individual's home-work environment may be assessed to determine  proper body alignment and physical demands, emotional and cognitive  demands and arousal modulation techniques for success and improved self-regulation throughout the day.


Therapeutic activities may be incorporated into sessions to benefit client:

  • Reflex Integration exercises
  • Sensory Diet strategies to maintain an optimal arousal level
  • Modifications and supplmental strategies for optimal alignment and posture, improved mental and cognitive skills and memory
  • Visual acuity, saccades, visual tracking, accommodation
  • Life Skills
  • Social skills strategies


Education and providing tangible strategies which are effective in maintaining proper alignment and calming the body, facilitate extended time operating in the Parasympathetic Nervous System. These are essential elements of a treatment session. When an individual feels a reduction in pain, increased calm and organized within their own body and mind, the result is a more organized environment.

Essential Oils

Aromatherapy is the practice of using the natural oils extracted from flowers, bark, stems, leaves, roots, peels or other parts of a plant, using steam-distillation, cold pressing or a CO2 extraction process, in order to enhance psychological and physical well-being The inhaled aroma from these "essential" oils is widely believed to stimulate brain function. Essential oils can also be absorbed through the skin, where they travel through the bloodstream and can promote whole-body healing.


Essential oils, which are known as volatile oils, function very differently from non- volatile oils because they evaporate readily and will pass more easily and more quickly into the body through the skin. The oil’s volatility is what makes it aromatic and useful in aromatherapy — the molecules released as vapor into the air carry the essential oil’s scent.


The quintessence is the life force or spirit of the being or plant. While essential oils aren’t comprised of the spirit of the plant, they are the plant’s essence, and that essence is made up of beneficial compounds that can support health in numerous ways. Plants, though not sentient, have an “intelligence” of their own. More than just roots, stems and leaves, plants have a complicated system of communication, both within each individual plant and also with the surrounding environment. These communications are made by means of chemical messengers. This is fundamentally why essential oils can serve as such powerful natural remedies. We are capturing the therapeutic properties of the plant and using them to support our own bodies.


The benefits of essential oils are understood to be best realized when they are used as a supplement or adjunct to other treatment protocols, along with an overall healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet of nutritious, “real" food that comes from nature and is free from chemicals, pesticides, antibiotics and added hormones. The use of essential oils can enhance, support and promote your health in many ways, but they are not cure-alls. Essential oil use should be a part of a supervised treatment plan that has been approved by a healthcare professional, when dealing with a serious medical condition.


Mindfulness, Meditation & Arousal Modulation Strategies

Additional therapeutic modalities and activities may be implemented as appropriate, to reach the client's goals. Once the nervous system is no longer functioning in an exhaustive state, fear and heightened anxiety begins to subside, and the body begins to repair itself. The mind opens up to alternative ways to proceed with the healing process. Anxiety reducing strategies, breathing techniques, mindfulness techniques and sensory integration methods may also be offered to assist with dysregulation issues and calming, during stress-provoking scenarios. Social functioning tools and strategies may also be of particular interest when struggling with changing relationship dynamics with friends, partners, and family members.


When you're at your best, a willingness to explore new ideas and activities emerges. You may benefit from exploring particular aspects of your temperament and current occupations through assessment(s), along with specialized strategies to illuminate the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual blocks to assist you on your path for optimal growth and occupational performance.


Meditation, guided imagery and intuition development may connect you with your inner wisdom and allows for increased control and freedom. This in turn, facilitates an expanded awareness of the psyche and mind-body-spirit connection. Meditation and guided imagery gives a person a greater sense of control, increases self-confidence, decreases fear, anxiety, and helplessness by accessing the subconscious mind, which thinks in images and symbols. These symbolic messages can provide insight for healing and give a deeper meaning to the root of physical or emotional pain. Through the continual uplifting of self, healing the body and soul, clarity of life purpose begins to reveal itself and thus, may lead to changing careers, repairing or discontinuing with specific relationships and reaching new levels of forgiveness and unconditional love for self and others.

Therapeutic activities may be incorporated into sessions to benefit client:

  • Arousal Modulation and Sensory Strategies for benefitting the nervous system
  • Anxiety-reducing strategies
  • Yoga positions and archetype movements
  • Life Skills
  • Social skills strategies
  • Mindfulness, meditation and guided imagery
  • Connecting to your intuition and interpreting body signals